Objects of Desire. Vol II

Friday June 10, 2022 18:30-21:30

The second arts performance festival in PUCCS curated by Kathleen Meyts Coba. This time with a focus on fine arts performance art. Consolidating for you some of the more established Hungarian performance artists and a special guest from the UK.

18:30-19:00 Kathleen Meyts-Coba (BEL), Sakurahun88 (HU), Mariann Zaszlós (HU)
19:00-19.50 Rokko Juhász (SLK)
19:50-20:30 Imre Dénes (HU)
20:30-20:50 Jack Catling (UK)
20:50-21:30 István Kovács (HU)

The event will conclude with an installation which will be visible through the gallery till mid-July by István Kovács.


18:30-19:00 Kathleen Meyts-Coba (BEL), Sakurahun88 (HU), Mariann Zaszlós (HU)

Nyotaimori Subversion 2 : Co-Auto-Female transubstantiation with Shibari.
‘My disembodied arm is bound to yours and together we are our own human furniture - what uncanny dining .’
Between the two. Those bound.
The female gaze is passed
and those who watch
at the window stand apart.
With empty mouths.
Invited warmly
To not participate.
We are objectified and objectify ourselves, partially, and knowingly - now we use it, now we are bound.

Written by Kathleen Meyts-Coba and Sophie Rostas

19:00-19:50 Rokko Juhász (SLK)

19:50-20:30 Imre Dénes (HU)

A mondat mint nyíl repül... The word flies like an arrow .

Amikor a holdat nézem, a holdat nézem.
Amikor éppen eszem, akkor eszem.
Amikor a tűznél ülök, akkor a tűznél ülök.
Amikor az utcán megyek, akkor az utcán megyek.
Amikor a virágot csodálom, a virágot csodálom.
Éppen azt és éppen akkor.
Éppen akkor éppen azt.
Akkor AZ VAN.
És ami van, az van AKKOR.

20:30-20:50 Jack Catling (UK)

+++++ Our very special guest for the evening +++++
all the way from the UK especially for the event bringing you,

Borrowed Smile

The ethereal grin drifts between bodies, faces, landscapes and objects. Its subtle passage fracturing, twisting, and fragmenting everything it touches, constantly recombining, with its slow inevitable glide. Its meandering progress leaves a mark as lingering remnants, whispers and half-glimpsed transitory clues that trace out its invisible form. Borrowed Smile examines some of these fragments, configuring them into suggested reconstructions of the smile's twisting journey.

20:50-21:30 István Kovács (HU)


Kovács István: Terra-pi, 2022 , L1- est(ek) IZP módra, Fotó: Zellei Boglárka

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